WORKERS' Memorial Day will be marked with an event in Keighley.

Keighley Trade Union Council (TUC) is organising a gathering in Town Hall Square on Sunday, April 28, at 12.15pm.

Anyone is welcome to attend. Trade unionists and town council representatives will be among those present.

A service, next to the memorial garden, will be led by Keighley team rector the Rev Canon Mike Cansdale.

Speakers will include Keighley's Labour parliamentary candidate, John Grogan, and a representative of Yorkshire and Humberside Asbestos Support Group SARAG.

Dave Towers, Keighley TUC secretary, says: "Workers' Memorial Day will be marked across the world, with the theme 'remember the dead, fight for the living'.

"By remembering those killed and injured in unnecessary workplace incidents, safety improvements can be made to prevent repetition.

"This year there is a focus on the climate crisis and workers' health. As Keighley TUC speakers have stressed for many years, it is not acceptable to continue exporting dangerous occupations to Third World countries, and this is particularly important when climate change is having a dramatic effect in those countries.

"Every working person has the right to expect to return from work, and in the same condition they left to go."