SILSDEN residents are to be asked for their views on the future of the pavilion in the town's park.

Survey forms are being distributed soon by a working group formed to examine options for refurbishing or reconstructing the dilapidated building.

The group currently comprises five Silsden town councillors and a resident, but it's hoped more people will join.

"Sadly the pavilion is in a very poor state of repair and we're looking at all options to see what improvements can be made," said a spokesperson.

"There are some Section 106 monies available from Bradford Council, but there remains a very considerable shortfall if we want to bring the pavilion back into being a multi-use community building.

"The working group is considering applying for grant funding, but a lot of groundwork must be completed. The initial stage is to engage with local residents to see what the community wishes.

"We're keen to encourage as many local residents as possible to take part."

People are asked if possible to complete the survey online – and a QR code is being provided – but collection boxes for completed paper forms will be located at Silsden's Co-op, the town hall library and post office.