Police community support officers are wearing new head cameras in a bid to tackle anti-social behaviour and domestic violence.

PCSOs are patrolling Keighley wearing the cameras on their heads in the hope that recording footage of crimes will help with prosecutions and preventing offences.

For example, officers can capture the often difficult scenes after a case of domestic violence, which can then be used in court as evidence.

Airedale and North Bradford neighbourhood policing team inspector Mark Allsop said: "In cases of domestic violence sometimes people are afraid of making a complaint against their partner and this camera is one way of picking up evidence.

"When PCSOs visit scenes of domestic violence, where the victim is upset, sometimes it is difficult to describe what you see.

"Our officers might not be wordsmiths like the Brontës but the camera captures that scene and what people's demeanour is like when they get there, which can often be difficult to describe.

"In terms of anti-social behaviour with young people, the cameras are useful for capturing people's demeanour so you can play it back to their parents and show how rude they are being and how they behave when they are approached etc."