NEW pieces of artwork will go on display close to a popular public footpath this autumn.

The initiative is part of a five-year Brontë Parsonage Museum programme marking the bicentenaries of the siblings' births.

Pieces of large-scale, textile art will be installed at three locations along the Brontë Way – each celebrating the famous signatures of the literary sisters.

Sew Near-Sew Far is a collaboration between the Haworth museum and artist Lynn Setterington, who said: "Signatures are an important marker of identity and the Brontë sisters famously used pseudonyms at their time of writing to disguise the fact they were women.

"I'm creating an artwork for the Parsonage Museum exploring the adopted and real signatures of Charlotte, Emily and Anne.

"I'm working with local people to develop the pieces and inviting them to add their own signatures.

"We're also creating a film documenting the whole process, which will be shown later in the year.

"I'm collaborating with community groups and volunteers, and capturing the process is an important part of the artwork."

The completed work will be displayed between September 30 and October 14, near the Brontë Bridge and Waterfall, in the museum's first outdoor exhibition.

Lauren Livesey, arts officer at the Parsonage, said: "Whilst we have a long-standing reputation for working with leading artists, this project with Lynn will be a first for us as we take the exhibition out of the museum and into the landscape that was so important to the Brontës.

"We've been able to work with local communities as part of the project and really involve people in our Brontë200 celebrations."

Sew Near-Sew Far forms part of Meeting Point2, a scheme led by contemporary art agency Arts&Heritage.

It sees artists across the region produce new works inspired by museums and their collections.

Timandra Nichols, director at Arts&Heritage, said: "Lynn has continued to challenge how people perceive embroidery by using innovative techniques to create her artworks.

"Sew Near-Sew Far has been created with the community, ensuring it's inclusive and something everyone can experience and enjoy.

"It will give visitors to the Brontë Way a whole new way to experience the Parsonage Museum."

Special preview events for members of the community and those involved in creating the artworks will be held later this month.

More details about the project can be found at

For further information about Meeting Point2, visit