A Glusburn motorist who believed his comprehensive insurance policy allowed him to drive other cars with third-party cover has been fined by Skipton magistrates for driving without insurance.

Ian Wilcock, 27, of High Hartley Street, pleaded guilty to the offence which occurred on Dec-ember 12 in Keighley Road, Skipton.

Prosecutor Mark Haigh said Wilcock was initially stopped by police who were carrying out speed detection tests.

They believed he had gone fractionally over the speed limit and when questioned he said he was insured to drive.

“When officers checked their data they discovered he was not covered by insurance to drive another car,” said Mr Haigh.

Defence solicitor Glen Maude said her client had a clean driving licence and had nine years’ no claims bonus on it.

She said throughout his driving life he had had full comprehensive insurance with the additional provision that he could drive another vehicle with third-party cover.

She said he worked for many years as a motorcycle mechanic but recently changed jobs to work as a builder. Because of the financial climate, he was now out of work and looking for employment. Through a broker he had changed his insurance company for a cheaper fully comprehensive policy, but had not realised the third party provision was not there.

“He has since changed insurers again and is again fully covered,” said Miss Maude.

She accepted that her client should have checked the documentation.

Magistrates endorsed the defendant’s licence with six penalty points and fined him £100. They also ordered he pay a £15 victims surcharge and £45 costs.