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Public Notice

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

NOTICE is given that the following applications have been made under the Town & Country Planning Act 1990, Planning (Listed Building & Conservation Areas) Act 1990, & related

Affects the setting of a Listed Building
Eastburn House Green Lane Steeton With Eastburn. Construction of 2 no car parking spaces to north west of house & new access. 14/04599/HOU Conservation Area Consent
4 Keelham Lane Keighley. Partial demolition of boundary wall (retrospective). 14/04420/FUL

Listed Building Consent
Eastburn House Green Lane Steeton With Eastburn. Alterations to form a new gateway through the boundary wall to allow construction of 2 no car parking spaces to north west of house & new access with sliding gates. 14/04606/LBC

Within a Conservation Area
The Grouse 31 Keighley Road Silsden. Reserved matters of appearance & landscaping in respect of 4 x 2-storey terraced dwellings & 1 x 2-storey detached dwelling approved under outline permission 13/04192/OUT. 14/04269/REM
74 Keighley Road Silsden. Change of use - reinstatement of previous use as workshop to lower ground floor with creation of fitness studio over. 14/04585/FUL
70-72 Main Street Haworth Keighley. Removal of condition 2 (restricted
hours of opening) of permission 14/03084/FUL. Change of use of first floor
living accommodation to meeting rooms. 14/04614/VOC
Applications can be viewed & commented on at Alternatively visit Jacobs Well, or Keighley, Shipley & Ilkley Town Halls, to view them electronically. Representations must be made by 27/11/2014

Published on 06/11/2014