THIS horse-drawn bus – pictured in Bow Street, near Keighley Town Hall – used to go along North Street and up Oakworth Road as far as Knowle Park, which I imagine was the bottom of Fell Lane. Clearly the photo has been 'colourised' later.

Maybe someone recognises a family member?

The moustachioed gentleman on the top deck is Samuel Bateson Clayton (1859-1942), my great grandfather.

Looking over his shoulder in the hat is my grandfather, Arthur Clayton (1901-1973), the youngest of his eight children.

The Claytons lived from around 1900 until Samuel’s passing in the middle of three small cottages alongside Oxford Hall. My late mother was born in that cottage, in 1922.

Arthur lived for many years in Lawnswood Road.

Arthur's immediate elder brother Harold was mentioned in the Men of Worth column in the Keighley News – he served with distinction in the First World War but was killed after the war, in 1921, in an IRA ambush at Clonfin (more on the web).

The next elder brother, George, also served in the First World War and came home, passing away in 1971.

I hope the picture is of interest to readers.

Brian Moate, the Wirral

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