THE Down Memory Lane pages in last week's Keighley News featured a rather truncated version of an advertisement for Timothy Taylor’s bottled beers from the year 1954. Whilst doing research for the company’s publication 'Timothy Taylor 1858-2008 – 150 years of Brewing Excellence' I came across the advert.

The strapline across the top of the publicity, which was omitted in your feature, stated 'In the Good Old Days'. At the bottom were the words 'Timothy Taylor’s – a drink worth drinking – For Men of The North'. Of course ideas have changed in the intervening years and nowadays there’s a welcome to imbibe for all.

An early slogan for bottled Taylor’s Landlord was 'Off with the Landlord’s Head (meaning bottle top) and drink a drink worth drinking'.

Taylor’s bottled Black Bess Stout was a personal favourite of mine but sadly it ceased to be produced in 1996 when the company terminated bottling at the Knowle Spring Brewery. Perhaps the name might one day be revived.

The year 2026 marks two hundred years since Timothy Taylor was born in Bingley.

Malcolm Toft, Silsden

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