I AM putting together a book of Keighley sports photos, which I hope to have published at the end of the year.

I already have hundreds of images of team groups, individuals, trophies, cigarette cards etc for the more popular sports such as football, rugby and cricket, as well as lots of running and cycling photos.

However, if any readers have old photos they would like to see in the book, then I'm happy to include those too. Those people will of course be acknowledged in the book.

Keighley and District Local History Society has already been really helpful in that respect.

I'd love to include sports such as tennis, table tennis and bowls, but am still a little short on those. I'm also after some really good photos of the Tour de France passing through the Keighley district in 2014 and of the subsequent Tour de Yorkshire races that passed through.

My email address is rob@robgrillo.co.uk if anyone wants to get in contact.

Rob Grillo, Oakworth