I THINK West Yorkshire mayor Tracy Brabin and Northern's Kerry Peters ('Delayed £7m railway station car park opens', Keighley News, July 11) ought to go and have a look before they sing the car park’s praises and settle the bill.

First impressions are very good, with a lift and two staircases.

There has been a question raised about the size of the spaces marked out, but my concern is a design flaw that I thought should have been sorted well in advance.

Vehicles wishing to park on levels 2 or 3 must enter on level 2 and exit on the top level. Joining these is a ramp with an almost impossible turn onto it. Small cars should have no difficulty, but anything of an average size or larger will struggle to make the turn or have to reverse and go out the 'IN' entry. I spoke to two drivers of the latter type who had given up attempting the correct exit. I drive a Nissan X-trail and it took me several manoeuvres to get round the corner without scraping the metalwork.

I note that the construction cost £7 million. Maybe there is enough left in the kitty to come up with a practical solution. If this is not done, I anticipate drivers avoiding parking on the top level, many damaged cars trying to get round the bend, or worse.

Michael Breeze, Silsden