I SEE that MP Robbie Moore is persisting with this nonsense about breaking away from Bradford Council (Breakaway remains on agenda for town's MP, Keighley News, July 11).

He’s had five years to deliver this objective, alongside Philip Davies, who promised to ‘deliver’ Shipley at least five years before that.

Now that Philip Davies has been overthrown as Shipley’s MP, Mr Moore claims he’ll seek independence just for Keighley! Simply reading that statement shows how ridiculous it is. His own Government ignored him, and the new Labour Government will do the same. He seems to take Keighley and Ilkley voters for fools, who will continue to be taken in. We’re not, are we?

I also note that Mr Moore says he’s looking forward to working with Keir Starmer’s Labour. How come, given that his strategy has been to attack Labour-led Bradford Council at every opportunity rather than work with it?

He seems to have started as he means to go on; disinformation, attacks on Labour and more self-promotion/propaganda is what I think we can expect from Mr Moore.

Val Carroll, Silsden