MEMBERS of the Craven branch of Keighley and Ilkley Labour Party were pleased to be informed at their latest meeting that plans for the restoration of the park pavilion have now been agreed between Silsden Town Council and Bradford Council.

The town council had previously expressed a preference for the pavilion to be restored, rather than replaced. A recent survey, completed by more than 600 residents, confirmed that people in Silsden were largely of the same mind.

It is good to see both councils working together on this important project, which it is anticipated will progress in two phases.

Phase one will involve renovation of the building to ensure it is safe, watertight and structurally sound. The sum of approximately £220,000 will be used to pay for this, which is Section 106 money held in trust by Bradford Council, received from builders as part of the agreement which allowed housing development.

Phase two would involve the setting up of a Friends of Silsden Pavilion group, drawn from the Silsden community, which would ultimately take responsibility for operating the building and apply for funding from charitable organisations to develop the interior for community use.

This would be similar to arrangements now in place for the running of Silsden Town Hall. And we are all witness to what an amazing venue has been created there – thanks to the hard work of Silsden people who have brought their skills and creative talents to make this possible.

We in the Labour Party have been very pleased to give our support to various activities that have taken place in the town hall and hope to support the park pavilion in its future development.

So our park is on the way to becoming a much improved resource. We now have changing rooms for Silsden Storm, excellent tennis courts and a play area soon to be refurbished. Thank you to Silsden Town Council and Bradford Council.

Wendy Neville, chair, Craven branch of Keighley and Ilkley Labour Party