Princess Ida will be this year’s Gilbert and Sullivan production from Haworth West Lane Baptist Amateurs.

The group (pictured above in a previous show) will perform the comic operetta at the West Lane Baptist Church from November 18 to 23, including a Saturday matinee.

The Amateurs are renowned for their annual productions, which aim to be accessible to everyone while still pleasing G&S enthusiasts.

Producer Michael Lofthouse updates some of the topical references in the lyrics – which originally lampooned well-known Edwardian figures – so they can be understood by modern audiences.

He also tries to find interesting settings for the action of the operettas, transplanting the stories to eras such as the 1920s.

Haworth West Lane Baptist Amateurs also perform a wartime nostalgia show every spring to tie in with the Haworth 1940s weekend. Tickets for Princess Ida will be available from the end of September.