Keighley Playhouse veteran Mark Simister is among the cast of Ilkley Playhouse’s latest production.

The group will present Alan Ayckbourn’s popular Bedroom Farce from Monday for a fortnight at the Wharfeside Theatre.

Playhouse marketing director Yvette Huddleston said: “It’s one of Ayckbourn’s most entertaining comedies and it has attracted huge audiences since its first performance in 1975 in Scarborough.

“It also marked a significant point in Ayckbourn’s career when Sir Peter Hall invited Alan to direct a production of the play at the National Theatre in 1977.

“The play proved to be the National’s first major popular success.

“Although Bedroom Farce is one of Ayckbourn’s lightest and funniest plays, the intricate and sophisticated comedy deals with one of his most common themes – exposing the cracks in people’s relationships to reveal uncomfortable truths.”

Mark Simister is in the cast, along with John and Jacquie Howard, Dermot Hill, Becky Kordowicz, Kate Dobson, David Kirk and Liz Hall.

Mark has appeared at Keighley Playhouse in recent years. Productions including Blood Brothers, Gone Up in Smoke and Bedside Manners.

Visit or call 01943 609539 on weekdays to book tickets or for further information.