Keighley singer Dane Vear and his band The Rook are not resting on their laurels after winning a Bradford competition.

The indie rock quartet will be back at some of their regular venues performing across West Yorkshire.

And they’ll certainly be ready for the finals of the AMP Awards this summer when they share the stage with Human League and Levellers.

The Rook this month won Brad-ford’s first AMP Awards, run by the Association of Music and Promotion.

Schools and colleges were asked to choose a band, then involve students in marketing, management, photography and social media. The Rook were nominated by Shipley College.

Dane, guitarist Jacob Briggs, bassist Andrew Collinson and drummer Sam Shepherd will now compete in the AMP national final at the Galtres Parklands Festival.

The Rook will also perform at the Delius Lives Next Door, Bradford, on May 8 and July 10, and Leeds Cockpit on May 10.

The band came together in 2012 and have since played the Turkey Inn at Goose Eye and the Ryshworth Club, Crossflatts, as well as venues in Shipley, Leeds, Baildon and Bradford.

Jacob paid tribute to Mick Moran, learning coach at Shipley College, where three of the boys study, for his backing in the AMP competition.

Jacob added: “We’ve recently recorded two tracks, Apollo and Nothing You Can Do, at Loom Studio in Birstall, and released them on our SoundCloud.

“We’re hoping to get the money together to record a three or four track EP for professional release.”

The AMP Awards, run for several years in Leeds in Harrogate, aim to get young people involved in every facet of the music industry.

As well as young musicians getting involved, the awards reflect the entire music industry. Students form publicity teams, managers, photography groups and even help arrange the final concerts.