I was expecting a grim night in the theatre after reading the press release about this play.

But I was surprised to greatly enjoy this tale of a naive deaf mute in a claustrophobic Canadian community a century ago.

Elmer Blaney Harris’s play had enough light to counter the dark events that surrounded poor farm girl Belinda McDonald.

Belinda cannot speak or hear and all her life has been treated badly by her ignorant father and branded ‘Dummy’ by fellow townspeople.

Into the town comes a young doctor, who recognises the girl’s intelligence and teaches her sign language.

But intelligence cannot protect Belinda from rape, and when she is later affected by more trauma, it appears nothing can save her from other people’s scheming plans and prejudice.

The humanity in this engrossing story, and the changing attitudes of the main characters, are brought to the fore by director Tony Howarth.

He lets the scenes breathe, giving his excellent cast time to tell the story and create some really poignant scenes.

Nikki Barrett is bewitching as Belinda despite being confined to silence.

Johnny Belinda runs until Saturday, at 7.30pm. Call 07599 890769 to check ticket availability.