The amateur thespians of Haworth are taking to the airwaves for this year’s concert in conjunction with the village’s 1940s Weekend.

Haworth West Lane Baptist Amateurs will present their nostalgia show in the form of a wartime radio broadcast.

On The Air is a fictional BBC Home Service programme somewhere between the famous Workers’ Playtime, Have A Go and Down Your Way.

Amateurs member, Janet Bastow, said this year’s three performances would follow more or less the same format as last year’s show.

She added: “This year our 1940s show takes the form of a radio broadcast.

“The programme goes around the country, finding local amateur groups who can put on a show, and broadcasting them to the rest of the country.

“This week the show is being broadcast from a village chapel somewhere in the North of England, and if you would like to be in the audience, and maybe do a bit of community singing to lift the spirits of the Nation, get your ticket application in early.”

The West Lane Baptist Amateurs have already chosen the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta that they will perform in the autumn.

The double-bill of HMS Pinafore and Trial by Jury will be presented from November 17 to 22, as part of this year’s 50th anniversary of the Haworth group.

On The Air will be performed on May 14, 16 and 17 at the West Lane Baptist Centre.

Tickets cost from £3 to £8. Contact Vera Waddington on (01535) 643425 to book tickets, and visit for further information.