Red hot sea songs and shanties will be performed in Keighley next week by three great attacking voices.

Malcolm Devereux, Ian Hill and Jim Lawton sing for fun and urge their audiences to join in.

Their group, Lime Scurvy, has grown out of many years of solo performances in folk clubs around the region.

"The audience can climb on board and join in more or less right away," says the group.

"Shanties were the work songs of the sea, designed to bring a crew together into a unified whole.

"They were direct, simple, rhythmic and often funny and filthy. Sing your heart out."

Jim is a member of the Silsden Singers community choir and works on Keighley-based folk magazine Tykes' News.

Lime Scurvy perform at the Baccapipes Folk Club on January 18 after 8.30pm, in Keighley Ukrainian Club, 9 Henry Street, off Cavendish Street.

Phone 01535 605310.