Sex and the City on Sanatogen is one description of the latest production from Bingley Little Theatre.

The witty and poignant comedy Five Blue Haired Ladies Sitting on a Green Park Bench offers many sharp one-liners.

It explores what happens when people get a second chance to put right a lot of their life's mistakes.

And it offers not one, but five, roles for women "of a certain age" who usually have trouble finding decent parts.

June Purdy, Marilyn Baines, Freda Denbigh, Rosie Brooks and Pauline Warin have performed around the area.

Producer Robin Martin said: "The play tells of fond and sometimes painful memories, it has keen observations, great belly laughs and some cracking music."

The play is at Bingley Arts Centre from Monday to Saturday at 7.30pm. book at Keighley town Hall or phone 01274 432000.