An egg-sceptional pantomime is promised by Keighley Amateurs later this month.

Yes, it's time for egg-xcrutiating puns as the group once again stages Humpty Dumpty.

Keith Marsden and Geoffrey Rundle have dusted off their sparkling script and updated the jokes and songs.

They'll take families to the Kingdom of Omelette ruled by the benevolent King Eggwhite.

The wicked Witch of Snowland knocks Humpty off the wall and steals the King's crown, and only brave Captain Paul can outwit her.

The show promises toe-tapping music and laughs galore, from a cast including regulars Peter Whitley, Rachel McMahon and Peter Greenwood.

Humpty Dumpty is at Victoria Hall on January 26-February 2, most evenings at 7.15pm with Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2.15pm.

Tickets from Reids bookshop, Cavendish Street, or contact 08450 170718 or