Everything But The Girl -- The Works.

A three-disc retrospective with around 60 tracks by the king and queen of relaxing 1980s listening -- heavenly!

Tracy Thorn and Ben Watt came out of their university bedsit with irresistible tunes, laid-back musicianship and a gorgeous voice.

A decade later they unexpectedly gained a new lease of life and credibility as a dance duo after single Missing was remixed for the clubs.

This collection covers the pair's entire career with very few poor tracks and very many to bewitch us all over again.

David Knights.

Skindred -- Roots Rock Riot.

The second album from the hard rocking ragga-punk band hits with mixed results, but ultimately it's still a crowd-pleasing offering.

Benji Webb, the lead vocalist, is a versatile and accomplished singer, switching between sweet melodies to screaming epitaphs in an instant in Roots, Rock, Riot', whilst the lyrics engage and inform in Trouble' and State of Emergency' so we know this is a band with more under its belt than a lot of clichés.

Towards the end of the album there is a drop off in quality where screaming seems to take over which, for the hardened mosher might be fine, but you may need to turn your stereos down.

Having said that, Ease Up' and Choices and Decisions' are exhilarating final tracks, making this a not too shabby example of an interesting and truly unique band.

Caleb Blue