Kim Sykes first appeared with Keighley Playhouse in 1983 as the maid in Blithe Spirit.

Then a young mum, she is now a proud grandmother who last appeared at the Playhouse six years ago.

Next week Kim is back as part of the cast of cricket and relationships comedy Inside Edge.

The play is set in the pavilion during a village match and concerns not only players but their wives and girlfriends.

The cast includes regulars Kevin Moore and Wendy Todd along with Gerard Kennedy, Nick Lawrence and Jamie Robinson.

Elsewhere there's a reunion of sorts for performers from last season's Keighley play Lord Arthur Savile's Crime.

Haydn Cavanagh played a wild anarchist in the comedy, opposite Barbara Boothroyd and Jill-Marie Craven.

Book tickets for Inside Edge at Reids bookshop, Cavendish Street, or phone 08451 267859 or 01535 604764.