An egg with two yolks -- that's the title character in Keighley Amateurs' latest pantomime.

The hapless hapless Humpty Dumpty will be played by two different girls during the nine performances.

Savannah Horsfall, 11, plays Humpty in most of the shows and Georgina Lorriman, 10, takes over for three performances.

The girls did a similar split shift last year while playing the same character in panto Babes in the Wood.

Keith Marsden, director of Humpty Dumpty, said both girls gave superb auditions with Savannah coming out fractionally on top.

He said: "The part is quite demanding and Georgina's three opportunities of stardom will give Savannah three chances to rest."

The pair will perform opposite Amateurs regulars like Peter Whitley who as usual plays the panto's funnyman.

Peter has a new opposite number on the Victoria Hall stage, as experienced amateur actor Richard Emmitt takes on the Dame role.

Keith said Richard had appeared in many of Keighley's annual musicals and pantomimes, sometimes as the baddy.

Keith said: "With a sparring partner like Peter Whitley the laughs are never far away and the pairing is promising."

Keith said the show a strong cast and a young enthusiastic company, "egged" on by musical director John Sandland and choreographer Patsy Peacock.

"The panto should attract the usual crowds of all ages," he added.

The show is -- like all the Keighley Amateurs pantomimes -- penned by Keith and long-term writing partner Geoffrey Rundle.

An aversion staged by Francis Laidler at the Theatre Royal in Leeds more than 50 years ago became the longest-running pantomime ever.

The show opened at Christmas and ran until mid-May when the cast was photographed sunbathing on the theatre roof.

Sun can't be promised in Keighley this month, but laughter, adventure, song and dance can be.

Humpty Dumpty runs from January 26 to February 3, most evenings at 7.15pm with Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2.15pm.

Tickets from Reids bookshop, Cavendish Street, or contact 08450 170718 or