Songs of Australia and Teeside can be heard next month as Martyn Wyndham-Read and Graeme Miles play in Keighley.

The diverse pair share the spotlight at the Baccapipes Folk Club on Friday February 8.

Martyn developed his great interest in folk songs of the outback when he first went to Australia in the early 1960s.

While working on a sheep station the English-born man fell in love with Australia and its music.

He toured the continent, seeking songs directly from drovers, cane cutters and other bush workers.

As the Australian folk song revival gathered pace Martyn began singing the songs across the continent.

Martyn returned to England seven years later and, over 33 years of recording, has built a following in Britain and across the world.

Martyn is said to be an engaging performer whose exceptionally intimate performances combine songs, humorous bush poetry recitations , anecdotes of outback life, and comments on Australian history and culture.

Graeme Miles is a songwriter who has built a vernacular song tradition for Teeside while having his work covered by the likes of the Wilson Family and Vin Garbutt.

His "deeply satisfying" songs have been described as pensive and atmospheric, where even shafts of humour are tinged with melancholy.

Martin and Graham can be seen at the Baccapipes, after 8.30pm in Keighley Ukrainian Club, 9 Henry St, off Cavendish Street.

Phone 01535 605310.