Kids take the stage by the dozen next month as four village pantos are performed in one week.

The family shows will be presented in Oakworth, Cullingworth, Glusburn and Harden.

Two of the shows have casts entirely of children while another has a record number of youngsters.

First off the blocks is the 22nd pantomime adventure by members of Oakworth Methodists' Sunday School.

Little Tommy Tucker is billed as an action-packed extravaganza performed by 40 enthusiastic children.

Magical scenery, special effects, costumes and routines are promised, with an original story.

The intrigues concern two rival singing schools whose competition generates dirty work, sorcery and laughter.

The annual Glusburn pantomime also has an all-youth cast with around 30 children and young people on stage.

Cinderella has been written and directed by Dev Swan who runs Glusburn Theatre School at the same venue.

He said: "This pantomime is so good in that we can start getting people involved at a very young age.

"The support from parents and other adults as been tremendous. It's a real community event."

The dance routines have been choreographed by experienced dance teacher Liz Phillips.

The show as usual features the flying ballet in which children take to the air on wires.

Cullingworth theatre not group CADS as for many years featured both adults and children.

This year's show Aladdin has a record number of children, with 24 playing various chorus parts.

The cast includes John Robinson as villain Abanazer, Louisa Gamm in the title role and regular dame Edwin Sharpe as Widow Twanky.

The genie of the lamp is the smallest member of the cast, Georgina Dawson, and the producer is Barbara Thompson.

Just a couple of miles away in Harden and the village Players' pantomime uls two consecutive weekends.

Alice in Wonderland is loosely based on the Lewis Carroll story with a new script by members Helen Keighley and Bernard Stern.

"The show is played strictly for laughs in the traditional pantomime style," said a spokesman.

"Harden Players have long experience of producing high-quality shows which appeal to all age groups."

The cast include Charlotte Stone as Alice, Mark Coulthard as the White Rabbit and Roger Kilburn as the Cook.

* Oakworth Methodist Church, February 9-16 at 7pm (except Sunday & Monday), also both Saturdays 2pm. Tickets from church, Wednesdays (3-9.30pm) & Saturdays (10am-4pm) or phone 01535 642625.

* Glusburn Institute, February 11-16 at 7.15pm (except Thursday), also Saturday 2.15pm. Tickets from Forget-Me-Not, Main Street, Cross Hills or phone 01535 633702.

* Cullingworth Village Hall, February 12-16. Tickets from Cullingworth Pharmacy, Saturdays & Tuesdays (10am-noon) & Fridays (2-4pm).

* Harden Congregational Church, February 7-9 & 14-16 at 7.30pm, also both Saturdays 2pm. Tickets £5 from Harden Post Office.