Sounds of Swami are to join fellow Spit and Sawdust veterans for a weekend festival in Stockport.

The Keighley alternative rock band toured last year with fellow up-and-coming bands on the SAS tour.

Fellow performers included The Scabs, The Fractions, Harijan, Strait Jackets and Revenge of the Psychotronic Man.

The bands come back together for three days of digging at the Thatched House, Stockport, on April 11-13.

The Keighley band's appearance, sandwiched between dozens of others, is on the Sunday at 5pm.

Day ticket £6, full festival £10, from

The Swamis play an acoustic gig at the Cricketers Arms, Coney Lane, Keighley, on Thursday, February 7.

Coming gigs include the Head, Bradford, on February 9, and the Joshua Brooks, Manchester, on March 29.

They plan to spend two days recording with Tim G at his Manchester studio in the middle of February.

The Swamis has been a two-year life recording demos for their debut EP, which is planned for this April.

They hope to play a long tour the same month using their newly-purchased van.

The band say: "We take our influence from post hardcore, heavy rock and punk.

"The result is a true alternative sound spawned from dissatisfaction with the status quo of mainstream music."

Spit and Sawdust organiser Dave HT recently set out his philosophy on the BBC's music website.

He said: "The SAS ethos is to bring together overlooked and talented bands, as well as inexperienced newcomers, to gain notice and credit for a scene too often overlooked.

"If bands go away with a pocketful of contacts, some great memories and better for the experience, then the job's a good un.

"Music, especially punk, saves many a soul from a wasted life and gives the individual a place to focus and release that anger and energy, as well as making vocal all kinds of views."