This Thursday (February 7) is exactly the hundredth birthday of Steeton Male Voice Choir.

Current members and choir patrons celebrated the birthday with a party last Sunday at Steeton Hall.

The 80-strong choir performed a short concert for family and friends following a buffet a meal.

There was also a "name that tune" quiz with short snatches of songs from the choir's current repertoire.

Partygoers also tried to guess who was who in pictures of choir events from years gone by.

The choir will celebrate its centenary with a clutch of special concerts through the year.

The men will travel to Ireland, perform for a duchess and sing in the floodlit ruins of an abbey.

They will begin with a massed choir performance at St Georges's Hall, Bradford, on April 26.

The Steeton singers will be joined by the renowned YBS Band and other male voice choirs from Nelson, Kendal and Worcester.

They will later perform a concert at Chatsworth House, Derbyshire, at the invitation of choir patron the Duchess of Devonshire.

They will tour Ireland, performing with Dublin Male Voice Choir and a mixed choir from Tralee.

They will also perform a floodlit concert at Fountains Abbey, and in October in Ilkley with the Carlton Main Frickle Colliery Band.

Tickets for this year's concerts are available by phoning 01274 569870.