Clare Teal may be returning to her first love of jazz in this album, but you don't need to be a jazz purist to enjoy it.

The album bears testimony to Clare's enjoyment of the recording process. She embraces the challenge of recording different styles with her band and it sounds as if she's playing live in your car or living room.

On familiar numbers like The Very Thought Of You and Cheek To Cheek she manages to make you feel that you're hearing the lyrics for the first time. On her own songs, High Love, Get On It Sam and All For Love, she showcases her passion for classic songwriting, blending traditional styles with lyrics reflecting her own wry slant on life.

Get It On Sam has a lovely Bacharach feel; a happy 1960s vibe, while All For Love races along to feelgood melodies and a catchy Latin-style beat.

The title track, Get Happy, is suitably joyful and, while Moondance doesn't steer very far from the original version, it smoothes over Van Morrison's gruff edginess with Clare's silky vocals.

Emma Clayton