These days it's a rare sight that will leave a child wide-eyed and open-mouthed with amazement.

But when glittering supercar Chitty takes to the air at Bradford Alhambra it's not only the kids who catch their breath.

Even writing about the spectacle now, several days after the event, sends a tingle down my spine.

That magical moment is probably worth the price of admission alone to this adaptation of the 1960s film musical.

That the rest of the show is deliciously, wonderfully, upliftingly entertaining is a bonus.

The show isn't a slavish recreation of the film -- all the famous scenes are there but there's new life in the old banger.

There are touching relationships, memorable performances, and sparkling songs old and new.

You'll believe good can vanquish evil, true love conquers all, and of course that a car can fly.

* Until April 5. Phone 01274 432000.

David Knights