If you were fortunate enough to attend the Glusburn Institute one evening during half term, you would have been treated to a sprightly interpretation of the classic fairytale, Cinderella.

The pantomime, performed by youngsters and aimed at a family audience, showcased a highly spirited cast of confident teenagers down to heart-warmingly cute tots - a highlight, for me.

Producer Dev Swan kept to the traditional storyline but deviated to include some charming dance routines, which made the most of his pool of talent.

Contrasted use of lighting and music helped the ballet and flying ballet choreography mirror the enchanting nature of the tale and provided some light relief from the plot.

Florescent costumes during these scenes did not depart from the high standards of others in the performance and, combined with the use of UV lighting, it helped to make that particular piece memorable.

The script-writers had a good bash at including humour, and their efforts just about paid off.

Of particular note was Callum Spencer, who was adorably comical as "King".

On occasions some of the solo songs were weak but overall the pantomime used some popular ballads, which pleased the audience who were humming from their seats.

Lisa Campbell