A Keighley choir has embarked on a second decade of fundraising concerts.

Airedale Male Voice Choir raised £60,000 for charity in its first 10 years.

The singers perform this Saturday (February 23) at Cullingworth Methodist Church..

They will perform once a month around the local area for a variety of causes.

Musical director John Smith said the choir had a full house at all its concerts last year.

The choir's annual charity concert at St Andrew's Church, Skipton, on May 18 will be for Manorlands.

It will perform at Wesley Place, Ingrow, on April 19 for Relate, and West Lane Baptist Church, Haworth, on August 23 for the British Heart Foundation.

Other concerts include Ilkley Road Methodist Church, Riddlesden (March 15), St John's, Ingrow (June 21); Keighley Salvation Army (July 12), St Stephen's Church, Steeton (September 13), Scar Top (October 11), Long Lee Methodist Church (November 15) and Slack Lane Baptist Church, Oakworth (December 6).

Details of all concerts from Mr Smith on 01535 653110.