Two rock concerts featuring local bands attracted a total of 200 people to Glusburn Institute last weekend.

Inferi, Khuda and Alt Track played the latest "Fiver Friday" gig and the following night The Assembly was supported by 21st Century Urban Bluesmen.

Assembly member Martin Basierak said it was great to be back at the Institute and hoped to return again in the autumn.

He said: "Many of us have local roots in the area as many of us went to South Craven School."

Jamie Sutcliffe, one of the promoters, said the gigs showed how important home-grown music was to local people.

He said: "Despite the awful weather we had some really good support."

The next Fiver Friday concert will be on March 14. Steve Preston performs an Elvis tribute this Saturday. Tickets £10 and £12 from 01535 630223.