Serious drama is packing out the Playhouse this week as GCSE students take up the spare seats.

"Serious" doesn't mean "worthy and boring" in this gripping portrayal of John Steinbeck's American classic.

Geoff Whitley's production is a perfectly-paced, full-blooded, thoroughly-believable modern tragedy.

The edgy atmosphere is helped by a sparse but very effective set and excellent use of lighting.

Tough guy George and simple-minded Lennie, unlikely but close friends, arrive at a desert ranch.

In the claustrophobic environment they connect and clash with fellow workers.

But it's their interaction with a woman that leads to the inevitable tragedy.

This demanding play calls for two faultless central performances, and we get them from Tim Lobley and Steven Clark.

In contrasting roles -- one aggressive yet understanding, the other sweet yet dangerous -- they are riveting to watch.

There are excellent performances from supporting players but too many needed prompting during Tuesday's performance.

* Until Friday, phone 08451 267859.

David Knights