Year ten students at South Craven School had a chance to learn from the professionals.

A team of writers, musicians, choreographers, producers and film makers visited the Cross Hills school to run workshops, where they showed pupils how to generate their own material from scratch.

The end product was shown to an audience of more than 100 parents that same evening.

The team members worked with students who are taking GCSEs in performance arts.

Their visit formed part of the Aim High initiative, which is funded by the North Yorkshire Business and Education Partnership.

The team was led by Louie Ingham, a former South Craven pupil who is now a senior manager at the Brewery Arts Centre, in Kendal.

The writers included Janys Chambers, who is one of the scriptwriters for the ITV soap Emmerdale.

A spokesman for South Craven School said: "The theme of the day was 'migration, changing locations, home' and separate groups of students came together to create a whole piece for a performance.

"The school has hosted many theatre groups in the past but never something as inclusive and practical as this for its students. Its success will hopefully mean a return performance next year."