The centenary of Ilkley King's Hall and Winter Gardens is being marked with a series of events in the middle of next month.

On the evening of Thursday, April 17, the Black Dyke Mills Band will be playing in a concert atthe venue organised by Ilkley Parish Council (tickets £12 and £10). The following day (Friday, April 18) at 7.45pm the Friends of the King's Hall are holding an evening of celebration at which Ilkley-born author Jilly Cooper will be special guest.

There will be performances by Moorfield School Choir, the Maureen Williams Dance School and theatre group The Upstagers, and an illustrated talk on the history of the King's Hall presented by Alex Cockshott (who has compiled the centenary brochure) and former BBC North presenter John Thirwell. Video messages from Alan Titchmarsh and Brian Rix will be shown.

Tickets for this event cost £8 and £5.

The weekend will conclude on the Saturday with another event organised by the Friends - a performance by veteran jazz duo Johnny Dankworth and Cleo Laine (7.30pm, tickets £23, £27 and £32).

Tickets for all these events are available only from the Ilkley Tourist Information Centre in Station Road (01943 602319)