PICTURES are just what the doctor ordered for a group of amateur artists in Keighley.

The KAF Group has been invited to provide paintings for the walls of Farfield osteopaths' practice.

The artists have provided around a dozen pictures for the recently refurbished reception area.They will change the pictures about every three months and give all their members a showing.

The KAF Group consists of former art students at Keighley College, now Park Lane College Keighley. They continue to meet on Tuesdays from 10am to 3pm in their studio in the college's basement.

The group takes its name from the college's gallery, Keighley Arts Factory, and is supported by the gallery's staff.

Group spokeswoman Linda Harrison said the pictures would be seen by visitors to the Farfield rooms, in North Street. She said group members were pleased to have a chance to display their work.

Linda said there were about eight members of the KAF Group but more were needed.

Each Tuesday members work on their own art, share information and ideas and socialise.

There is equipment for artists in various media, including fabric and stitching, conceptual art and simple printing.

Anyone wanting to join the group can call at the Arts Factory, in the college's North Street building, on weekdays or phone 01535 618554.

Artists whose work is exhibited at the Fairfield osteopathic practice: