It isn't a wise move to bring out a modern combat game almost straight after Call of Duty 4 came out, especially if it's nowhere near as good.

Both of these Xbox 360 games are first person shooters and they're both the same theme.

It takes ages to reload your gun and even longer to change weapon. During this time you get shot at about a hundred times and you end up dying without even being able to fight back.

The driving controls are frustrating and you usually find it is quicker to walk all the way across the map than to drive even two metres.

The objectives are boring and usually consist of capturing a base or destroying an anti aircraft gun, instead of the Call of Duty missions that make you go back to play again.

The graphics are pretty good but sometimes you notice the lack of effort on some detail.

You might as well go out and buy Call of Duty, it's ten times better and playing it will be fun instead of arduous.

Liam Knights