A hit BBC2 cooking programme will feature the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway in its next series.

K&WVR volunteer chef Jessica Thewlis, will be instructed by Indian Food Made Easy presenter and author Anjum Anand, and their chosen dish will be cooked and served on board a train.

This will comprise part of the programme's second series, which involves a road trip around the UK exploring a different type of Indian food each episode.

The K&WVR will represent Yorkshire and will feature Kashmiri cuisine.

Filming liaison officer Roger France said the railway was delighted and proud to be hosting the programme, which attracted three million viewers a night for its first series.

He said: "The BBC researchers were fascinated by the railway's 1960s-built kitchen car, in which our meals are prepared."

Railway managers have yet to confirm the filming date but say 40 lucky people could take part in the making of the episode.

Mr France said: "We normally have to exclude the public when we are involved in feature films and historical dramas.

"But in this case it is just the opposite. We need the public to make it a success and we are inviting passengers to join the train as diners and feature in the filming."

K&WVR press officer Jim Shipley said: "It's not so much Gordon Ramsay, more Gordon the Big Engine, but I'm sure Anjum will put our volunteers on the right track.

"Seats on the train will be strictly limited and demand is sure to be high.

"Look out for details on the railway's website at www.kwvr.co.uk or phone 01535 645214."