It's hard to comprehend the sheer adoration Billy Fury generated in the 1960s.

The history books will plaster stories of Beatlemania and our obsession with Elvis but I feel Billy Fury has been overlooked somewhat.

Fury was the British Elvis and his shows saw teenage girls collapse from excitement, he may as well have not played anything as the roar from the crowd was so intense it obliterated everything.

Fury has inspired many of today's artists from Saint Etienne to Morrissey, but chances are Half Way To Paradise and Wondrous Place will be the only songs you will find on the pub jukebox or mentioned in reference to the great man.

However the songs Lost Without You and Somebody Else's Girl, included here, showed a deeper side to his lyrical ability and although this is not Decca's finest compilation (with glaring omissions such as'Don't Jump for example), these 29 tracks give a certain insight to his commercial ability and appeal.

Only serving to remind us of what's missing from today's crop of pop disasters.

James Heward