Steeton Male Voice Choir had enjoyed a successful centenary year, the annual general meeting was told.

Seventy two members heard chairman David Jenkins and musical director Alan Clark enthuse about the centenary concert in St George’s Hall, Bradford, with three other male voice choirs and the YBS Band had been really special.

The evening was attended by the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress, the Mayor and Mayoress of Keighley and the chairman of Steeton with Eastburn Council and her partner.

Keighley MP Ann Cryer also attended and later introduced an Early Day Motion in the House of Commons congratulating the choir on its centenary The other major events in the year were the centenary tour in the Republic of Ireland the concert in the Painted Hall at Chatsworth, the joint concert with Kidderminster Male Voice Choir in a packed Keighley Shared Church and the floodlit concert in Fountains Abbey.

Mr Jenkins expressed his great satisfaction that all the events had been enjoyable and had raised the choir’s profile and reputation.

The two private celebrations - a birthday party and centenary dinner at which the guest speaker was Ian Dewhirst - had also been most enjoyable.

Mr Jenkins expressed, on behalf of all the members, his thanks to all who had worked hard throughout the year to make it such a success.

Mr Clark agreed that it had been a memorable year and thanked the whole choir for its commitment and effort.

He was heartened by the consistency of performance throughout the year and the fact that attendance at both rehearsals and concerts was higher than previously.

He was grateful for the support he had received from the singers, the committee and particularly the members of the small music team.

It was reported that the choir had lost five members during the year, the saddest being the death of Allan Lofthouse and the enforced retirement of David Town after 28 years of service, because of worsening sight problems.

However five new men had joined the choir, which meant the singing membership remained at 80. Three more men, Frank Place, Ken Rainford and Terry Tobin, were awarded badges for 25 years’ service and were presented with them at the joint concert with Kidderminster Male Choir.

The financial report was approved. There had been a considerable loss on the year’s working but this had been planned for and the choir was starting the new financial year a great deal better off than it had anticipated. The chairman thanked treasurer Alan Howell for his meticulous work.

The officers and committee elected were: chairman, David Jenkins; musical director, Alan Clark; secretary, Len Wilson; accompanist, Anne Mott; treasurer, Alan Howell; deputy conductor, Noel Aspinall; press and publicity officer, Robert Hamilton; newsletter editor, Ian McDonald; recruiting officer, Ken Wardell; webmaster, Stephen Fenton; stage manager, Richard Hartley; part representatives, Reg Daniel, Michael Harrison, Arnold Sheriff and Ronald Crossley.