Pupils of a Silsden dance school will be walking in the air during their annual show.

The Snowman is one of the themes of this year's production from the Elizabeth Phillips School of Dance. The show, performed on November 27 and 28 at Glusburn Institute, is entitled Catch the Beat.

Elizabeth, who teaches at Silsden Town Hall, said pupils taking part ranged in age from three to 19 years. She said: "The show features characters Jack Frost, Miss Christmas and the Ice Princess together with some dancing snowmen and some very lively tap dancing penguins!

"Come with the Snowman to the land of the North Pole through the snowflakes to see the Northern Lights and take part in the Snowman’s party."

The second half of the show takes the theme of an English country garden, with the school's drama group performing a Super Heroes story.

Catch the Beat starts at 7pm. Phone 01535 652639 for tickets.