A Christmas Carol is given a comic twist by Bingley Little Theatre in its December 7-12 production.

This version comes from the fictional Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society.

There'll be bickering cast members, novel audience participation, and a chattily-intrusive PA system.

A spokesman said: "The women'sattempts at a serious rendition end up as a calamity-filled comedy.

"They face the disasters in stiff-upper-lip fashion refusing to admit that everything is working against them and convinced the show is a triumph."

The real-life cast includes Playhouse actors Gilly Rogers, from East Morton, and Haydn Cavanagh, from Harden.

The director Rosemary Grainger lives in Keighley.

Bingley Arts Centre from 7.30pm. Book at Keighley Town Hall or phone 01274 432000.