In just four weeks’ time – on March 12 – it is No Smoking Day. 
This year it’s supported by the British Heart Foundation.
We all know the dangers and risks of smoking, so I won’t go into that, but everyone has their own reason for wanting to give up. It might be as part of a healthy lifestyle change – more activity, better diet, etc.
For some, it’s about the effect their smoking has on those around them. A friend of mine gave up as she had two young children and didn’t want them to start – it’s hard to discourage your children from doing something they see you doing. 
Then there are the financial savings. If you smoke five cigarettes a day, after a year you could have saved nearly £550. If you smoke 20 a day, that could be more than £2,000.
Whatever your reason, thinking about your motivation and keeping a reminder in key places can be really helpful when the going gets tough. 
Giving up smoking is tough, so the thing you need to do is get all the help you can.  Enlist the help of family and friends in your quest to give up. Tell them you want to give up; you may find others also want to give up and you then have the support network.
Use the NHS quit-smoking service. They offer everything from advice to free patches and support groups to help you in your quest. Just ask at your local surgery and they’ll point you in the right direction. 
Alternatively, get on the No Smoking Day website – – where you’ll find lots of hints, tips and places to go for help.
The health benefits of quitting kick in almost immediately. After as little as 20 minutes your heart rate and blood pressure will return to normal. After two to 12 weeks exercise becomes easier and breathing improves – and you all know how I feel about exercise and being active! 
Once exercise becomes easier, you can lead that more active lifestyle and get all the benefits that brings with it.
Good luck if you’re taking on the challenge of giving up. Just remember, like any other challenge, take one day at a time. If you have a bad day, it’s just a bad day and start again. 
Next month I have a special challenge for you all, so make sure you check it out.