THERE ARE lots of ways to get more active – doing more walking, taking the stairs instead of the lift, playing with the kids, joining a gym, doing a class.

Doing a class? Why would you want to do a class?

Well, there are a number of reasons that doing group exercise is a really good and beneficial way to get more active.

First thing is the variety that’s out there. Group exercise covers absolutely anything. There are boxing classes, fighting classes, circuit training, Zumba, yoga, skipping, hula hooping.

In fact, the list is endless, only restricted by the imagination of the instructors that are out there, and there are some very good instructors around. Unless you don’t find anything interesting or fun, there’s something out there for you.

Secondly, it’s easier to work in a group. If you go to the gym on your own you need to plan your session and motivate yourself to do the session. Neither of them are easy tasks.

In a group you motivate each other. When you’re feeling like you’ve had enough, the instructor will keep you going. The person next to you will keep you going. The feeling you know you’ll get at the end of the class will keep you going.

Thirdly, research shows that we burn more calories in a group exercise class. So if you’re looking to burn away a little bit of fat, a class is going to help.

How does this work? Well no matter who you are, you do have a little competitive streak in you. You may not think so but you have and that will spur you on to keep up with the person next to you. And with that you feel like you’ve achieved something at the end of the class, that’s not always true when you train on your own.

And the fourth reason?

It’s really good fun.

I teach a couple of classes a week at different locations and as an instructor they are great fun. Most instructors, in fact all instructors, like a full class. So how do we ensure we get full classes? We make them fun and enjoyable.

That’s not to say that they’re easy. But if people are leaving your class with a smile on their face and they’re laughing and joking with you then you can be fairly certain you’ve done your job right.

In Keighley, we have a plethora of facilities that offer classes from Zumba to martial arts; the Leisure Centre offers a full range of classes, Yoga Wellbeing on East Parade offers not only yoga but bootcamps, KBC9 at the Business Centre even offer childcare facilities as you work out.

The other gyms in town also offer a wide range of classes; NRGym, Workouts and the new Sports Direct. There’s even a new circuit class started on a Tuesday night at The Octagon.

So get out there and have some fun.

• Matthew McArdle’s previous Fighting Fit columns can be seen by visiting and clicking on What’s On followed by Out & About.