I was taken aback by the letter by Joe O’Keeffe last week – Work together in a common cause for good of society (Keighley News, August 15).

He shows his ignorance of the parlous state of the town council, with its obsession for preventing the public finding out how it is going to manage when its reckless policies risk bankruptcy. Then he lambasts the Conservative-led government for using, as he calls it, “divide and conquer” policies. The way I see it, policies such as the benefits cap, help for small businesses, a stable economy with 1.3 million more private sector jobs and making progress on securing Britain’s interests in Europe is rather governing with One Nation values and has the public’s support. I know Joe personally and his support for the Labour party. It dares not show the public what its policies are. Ed Miliband just criticises this and that, contradicting himself as he goes, with no coherent plan as what to do in office.

One thing that would irritate Mr Miliband, however, is Joe O’Keeffe’s union prejudices and left-wing rants at a time when the Labour leader is wrestling with his big union money backers to contain their domination of the party. Why would Joe wish to stop democratic dissent taking place at Keighley Town Council? Is it difficult for him to understand that so many people oppose its disastrous waste of precept money?

So I have to tell you, Joe my friend, the Conservatives are here in Keighley for good.

Leo Robinson Skipton Road Keighley