ab advance business; ac art and crafts; ad art and design; am advance manufacture; ap accounting; ar art; as applied/advanced science; bac baccalaureate; bg British government and politics; bi biology; bk book-keeping; bs building studies; bu business studies; cc design communication; cf community studies; cg catering; cg classical Greek; ch chemistry; cl classical civilisation; cm computing; cn Chinese; co commerce; cp computer studies; cs communication studies; cr design technology; cz citizenship; da dance; dn design; dr drama; ds domestic science; ea English language; ec economics; eh economic history; ei English literature; ek electronics; en English; enl English language and literature; epq extended project; er engineering; et earth science; eu European studies; ev environmental studies; ex, extended project; exa expressive arts; ey ecology; fa fine art; fi finance; fl film studies; fm further maths; fr French; fs food studies; gc graphical communication; gk Greek; gl geology; gn German; gp government and politics; gr art graphics; gs general science; gt general studies; gy geography; ha history of art; hb human biology; hc home economics child care; he home economics; hf home eco-nomics food; hi history; hl health & social care; hn Hindi; hs health science; ht home economics textiles; hu humanities; in Italian; it information technology; ja Japanese; ka key-boarding application; la Latin; lb landbased studies; li Latin and Roman civilisation; lr leisure studies; lw law; ma maths; mm maths with mechanics; mp pure and applied maths; mr arithmetic; mu music; mv motor vehicle studies; mw maths with stats; of office practice; os office studies; pa Punjabi; pb public services; pc physics/chemistry; pd D&T product design; pe physical education; pf per-forming arts; pg art and design photography; ph physics; pi philosophy; pl Polish; po pottery; ps physical science; pu Portuguese; pw preparation for working life; py psychology; rr rural science; rs religious studies; ru Russian; sc science; sh shorthand; sk skills force; so sociology; sp Spanish; sr sports studies; ss social studies; st statistics; tn technology; ts theatre studies; tt travel and tourism; tv media studies; tx art textiles; ty typing; ur Urdu; wk craft and design wood * indicates grade A ** indicates grade A*


G Beaumont pe, *bu, *sc; A Birch hl; L Bonham fl, pg, *it; G Brearley so; J Calvert dr, *bu, *sc; L Canning ea; B Cowen ei, hi, sp; H Crowther *hl; A Czuba ad, py, tx, *bu; R Dark ea, ei, rs; L Davis dr, fl, so; S Day ea, *mu; C De’Vries ad, fl, pg; J Dodsworth ad, py, so; N Dorricott fl, so, it; K Fawcett so, bu, it; C Feather ma, *bu, *it; M Firth *dr, *fl, *it; B Foster hl, sc; A Gerrard ea, *ma, py; C Gerrard bi, pe, *it; L Guest ea, gp, *it; R Gunn ei, rs, *so; E Hall *hl, mu; O Halligan ma, mu; J Harper ea, pg, py, it; C Harris dr, ea, ei; A Hart *hl, sc; C Hartley py, rs, so; L Hawksworth dr, ea, tx; S Houldsworth it; M Hulatt so; C Johnson dr, ei, hi; B Kemplay ea, pg; K Kilbey ad, ma, it; J Knowles ad, ea, it; B Lawrinson *gp, *so, *bu, *it; D Lawson-Webster *hl, *sc; E Leach it; D Levy ad, pg, so; J Lister *bu, it, sc; L Mackleston ei, py, *so, *mu; L Maude rs, so; J Midgley pe, so; D Miers sp; O Mitchell ea, pe, *it; D Moorby ad, ei, pg; J Moore gp, hi, *bu; P Morley ea, py, so; D Murgatroyd fl, bu, *it; G Murray *hl; R Noble ea, gp, so; A Pattison ma, bu, *it; D Percival bu, it; J Pollard *ei, *hi, *ma; J Pullan pe, so, it; C Pullen fl, *hl; K Riley ad, pg, *mu; S Robinson ea, so, sc; M Roper *hl; Y Sanchez hi, py, sp; E Shaw ei, py, *hl; T Sibson bu, it; A Sohal *sc; J Stebbings fl, bu, *it; D Summers fl, so, bu; I Talbot bi, *ma, *pe, *it; H Tate *hl; K Thompson ad, bi, py; S Turnbull fr, so, *bu; K Waterman ei, hi; A Watts ei, so, *sc; J Wheeler fl, bu, *it