Plans to site a 50kw wind turbine on land at Bent Laithe Farm in Lothersdale have been rejected.

Using their delegated powers, officers at Craven District Council refused the scheme, saying it would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the surrounding countryside because of its open elevated skyline position, and the lack of any natural screening in the surrounding landscape.

The turbine would have had a mast height of 36.6 metres and a blade top height of 46.3 metres.

The decision notice also stated: “There are already a number of other existing and proposed wind turbines in the locality that have been approved, and it is considered allowing this additional turbine will now result in an unacceptable cumulative impact on the landscape.

“While the benefits of the proposal in terms of providing renewable energy would contribute towards the renewable energy targets for the district, these factors are not considered to outweigh the impact of the turbine on the character and appearance of landscape to a sufficient extent to justify planning permission being granted.”