South Craven is part of one of the safest districts in the country.

National crime data shows Craven is among the top three safest places to live in. And in terms of domestic burglary, it heads the crime-free league.

Chief Inspector Simon Lovell, of North Yorkshire Police, gave the performance report at a meeting of Craven Council’s select committee.

He said low crime rates were due to factors including partnerships the force had in place and community support.

Craven Community Safety Partnership co-ordinator Stacey Mitchell said: “We have a strong network of officers from statutory and co-opted agencies that have the expertise and knowledge to serve the district well.

“We support many ‘preventative’ projects, which we believe go a long way to keeping our district a low-crime area.”

Councillor John Roberts added: “These statistics confirm multi-agency partnerships are the way forward to reduce crime, and I hope this data will make residents feel safer.”