ab advance business; ac art and crafts; ad art and design; am advance manufacture; ap accounting; ar art; as applied/advanced science; bac baccalaureate; bg British government and politics; bi biology; bk book-keeping; bs building studies; bu business studies; cc design communication; cf community studies; cg catering; ch chemistry; cl classical civilisation; cm computing; cn Chinese; co commerce; cp computer studies; cs communication studies; cr design technology; cz citizenship; da dance; dn design; dr drama; ds domestic science; ea English language; ec economics; eh economic history; ei English literature; ek electronics; en English; enl English language and literature; er engineering; et earth science; eu European studies; ev environmental studies; ex, extended project; exa expressive arts; ey ecology; fa fine art; fi finance; fl film studies; fm further maths; fr French; fs food studies; gc graphical communication; gk Greek; gl geology; gn German; gp government and politics; gr art graphics; gs general science; gt general studies; gy geography; ha history of art; hb human biology; hc home economics child care; he home economics; hf home economics food; hi history; hl health & social care; hn Hindi; hs health science; ht home economics textiles; hu humanities; in Italian; it information technology; ja, Japanese; ka key-boarding application; la Latin; lb landbased studies; li Latin and Roman civilisation; lr leisure studies; lw law; ma maths; mm maths with mechanics; mp pure and applied maths; mr arithmetic; mu music; mv motor vehicle studies; mw maths with stats; of office practice; os office studies; pa Punjabi; pb public services; pc physics/chemistry; pd D&T product design; pe physical education; pf performing arts; pg art and design photography; ph physics; pi philosophy; pl Polish; po pottery; ps physical science; pu Portuguese; pw preparation for working life; py psychology; rr rural science; rs religious studies; ru Russian; sc science; sh shorthand; sk skills force; so sociology; sp Spanish; sr sports studies; ss social studies; st statistics; tn technology; ts theatre studies; tt travel and tourism; tv media studies; tx art textiles; ty typing; ur Urdu; wk craft and design wood


J Abbas 13/1; N Abdullah 7/2; L Adams 13/1; P Adams 5/3; J Ahmed 6/4; Sana Ahmed 8/2; S Ahmed 8/2; L Airey 3/6; F Ali 7/4; H Ali 7/2; I Ali 4/4; Isa Ali 8/2; R Ali 11/0; S Ali 14/0; Z Ali 11/0; M Amin 11/2; G Anderson 3/7; S Aslam 7/5; H Ayub 11/0; D Bailey 6/7; K Bailey 6/6; R Balmforth 0/2; J Bancroft 5/4; J Barnes 5/4; D Bartlam 7/5; S Barton 6/3; L Baxandall 10/0; A Begum 10/0; F Begum 13/0; R Begum 9/4; B Benfield 6/4; S Beveridge 5/5; S Bibi 12/1; S Bolton 8/3; C Bowen 14/0; N Bray 4/7; S Bray 6/5; J Brereton 6/5; G Broadley 7/4; K Brown 3/6; T Brown 9/1; L Browne 6/4; A Buckley 12/0; B Burridge 8/2; J Burrows 6/5; K Butterfield 7/2; S Buxton 5/5; P Canning 7/5; A Chapman 11/0; A Chowdhury 5/5; B Clarke 5/5; A Coia 7/4; B Coles 7/4; C Cooper 10/0; K Corbett 11/1; R Corbett 9/3; J Corcoran 11/0; J Crawt 5/4; J Crowe 5/2; P Dancso 5/3; J Davies 11/1; E Dawood 4/6; M Dawson 12/0; N Ditta 11/0; S Dobson 11/0; C Dowson 10/0; S Duckitt 7/6; E Dyminski 11/0; C Eastell 11/1; G Edgar 9/4; M Eiglova 7/3; Js Emmott 7/4; Ja Emmott 12/1; T Emsley 3/6; S England 9/3; J Farley 12/0; J Farrell 11/0; M Fearnley 8/3; L Feather 9/2; E Feeny 5/6; J Ferguson 13/1; J Fisher 5/5; D Fogg 8/3; H Foster 12/0; T Fothergill 12/0; K Foysal 10/0; N Frobisher 4/1; P Frobisher 9/2; J Gaddas 7/4; O Gallagher 12/0; H Gibson 9/2; J Gidman 10/2; C Gill 7/3; L Gilmore 6/3; R Gott 6/3; M Greathead 6/7; G Grundy 10/1; A Habeeb 13/0; J Hainsworth 8/2; J Haley 9/2; K Haley 5/3; C Hall 9/3; I Haque 5/6; L Harmer 5/8; L Harness 5/3; B Harrison 10/5; J Hartley 9/4; J Healey-Hunter 8/4; J Healy 8/3; G Heath 5/8; L Helliwell 5/6; J Higgins 11/2; A Hird 6/3; S Hird 11/0; L Hodgson 14/0; S Hodgson 8/4; S Hollings 6/4; J Holmes 7/3; R Holmes 7/2; S Holmes 8/2; N Holroyd 4/6; R Hossain 13/0; O Huck 13/0; B Hudson 5/5; K Hudson 3/6; C Hughes 2/6; B Hunnebell 8/5; M Hussen 9/2; J Hutchinson 6/4; T Hutchinson 10/4; I Ikram 10/1; D Ismail 9/2; R Jackson 6/5; A Jefford 7/2; M Jillani 8/3; A Johns 10/2; N Johnson 11/1; M Jones 8/3; R Jones 5/5; J Judson 6/3; A Kabir 10/0; L Kaine 9/3; F Kaser 8/4; R Kaye 11/1; E Kayley 9/0; S Kearton 10/2; J Keighley 13/0; M Kellett 9/4; R Kelly 6/6; J Kennedy 7/3; A Khan 5/6; S Khan 8/5; Sa Khan 10/3; M Khanam-Uddin 13/0; A Khanom 11/0; U Khatoon 11/0; P Kounnas 12/2; G Lamb 4/4; H Lambert 11/3; J Lambert 5/7; J Lawrence 12/2; D Laycock 4/3; L Laycock 13/0; L Le Gard 7/4; A Lee 4/7; T Leverton 9/3; E Lilley 9/2; B Littlewood 9/3; L Lowther 11/0; M Lucas 5/5; C Lumley 7/2; B Lund 5/2; C Lyness 5/5; D Madden 13/0; S Mahmood 7/4; B Mahomet 6/6; C Mahomet 8/2; J Manley 6/4; L Mapplebeck 8/3; H Marshall 12/1; C Mcghee 4/0; C Mcgrann 11/0; B Mcinerny 11/0; N Mckniff 6/4; E Mclean 13/0; J Meegan 11/0; R Meegan 11/0; K Metcalfe 10/2; M Miah 7/3; S Miah 11/0; W Miler 7/5; J Millar 7/4; J Mills 10/2; H Milner 7/2; J Mitchell 5/6; J Moore 11/1; H Morris 6/4; F Morrison 5/5; A Moses 9/2; D Mulholland 5/4; J Mullaney 10/3; L Myatt 6/4; J Nash 10/0; M Nettleton 14/0; S Nettleton 4/5; L Newsome 7/4; S Nicholson 9/4; I Nixon 14/0; J O'dwyer 8/3; L O'sullivan 3/6; Z Packer 12/3; E Pagliuca 8/2; K Parker 6/2; H Parkes 13/0; C Parnham 10/3; A Parvais 9/2; M Pearson 11/2; D Pedley 11/1; A Peel 7/4; S Pickard 6/6; L Pickles 7/3; J Pimley 5/5; K Potter 5/0; M Preece 9/2; L Price 6/4; B Pursey 8/2; S Rahman 10/0; N Raja 8/1; S Rashid 6/5; B Reeve 5/6; G Richardson 13/0; A Roberts 8/3; D Roberts 9/4; R Robertson 9/1; D Robinson 10/0; Z Robinson 8/3; B Rodbourne 5/2; M Rook 11/1; R Ruf 12/1; J Rutter 7/3; M Salam 2/7; V Sale 11/0; C Scott 9/1; B Scrutton 6/5; A Shabir 8/1; N Sharples 11/2; H Sheldon 10/1; F Shirak 6/3; S Simpson 3/5; L Sloan 5/4; T Sloss 6/5; D Smith 8/3; J Smith 3/8; A Smythe 6/2; M Snowden 9/2; A Sowden 5/4; K Stevens 7/3; L Stone 12/2; A Storton 10/2; R Stothard 7/4; T Stott 12/1; S Strickland 12/0; B Sugden 9/2; G Sutton 4/8; S Sutton 10/2; D Sykes 6/4; Z Tariq 5/4; C Taylor 6/3; P Thomas 11/0; H Thompson 10/4; Ka Thompson 7/1; Km Thompson 7/4; S Thompson 6/5; E Throupe 7/5; S Todd 13/0; M Toothill 6/4; B Townson 6/7; I Tyler 9/3; B Uddin 9/3; R Uddin 12/0; T Varley 8/2; J Vause 8/3; A Verity 8/4; E Wadsworth 7/5; A Wadud 9/0; L Wakefield 7/4; A Walker 8/4; S Wallace 9/2; A Walsh 6/5; C Walsh 9/4; E Walsh 12/1; L Walsh 12/0; J Ward 7/4; M Watson 11/1; O Watson 8/3; J Webster 6/4; B Wedge 11/1; W Wells 13/0; E Whitaker 7/3; B Whitehead 6/5; K Whitehead 13/1; L Whiteley 10/2; T Wiggin 6/6; M Wild 9/1; W Wilkinson 8/2; D Wilson 10/3; C Wood 11/1; M Wood 5/5; S Worrall 9/3; N Wrathall 11/0; D Wright 7/6; S Wright 12/0; B Young 5/5; A Zaman 11/2; I Ziarab 5/5.
l The first figure for each candidate indicates the number of A* to C passes. The second figure indicates the number of other passes.