A new fitness craze has hit the UK and is being pioneered in Airedale.

And coaching CobraFit is Sutton woman Anneli Howes.

“The technique is proven to build fitness, stamina, core strength and lean muscle and burn 500 calories of fat in just 40 minutes by jump-starting the participant’s metabolism,” she said. “It is also designed to provide cardiovascular benefits.

“The workouts, performed to energising music, are ideal for people with busy lives who struggle to make time for exercise.”

Skipton Wellness Centre owners Chris and Carole Hill have clinched a prestigious deal to launch the UK version of CobraFit, which was created in Sweden and is already proving a hit in America.

Mrs Hill said: “I heard about CobraFit and its incredible results through an American colleague and he recommended us to the man who designed the programme in Sweden.

“We are so excited to be involved at the outset, because it’s already creating a huge buzz. We know this is going to be massive, both nationally and internationally.”

Classes start at the centre on Monday.

Phone 01756 719504 or 07743 829963 or e-mail cobrafituk@gmail.com for more details.